20 000 fake items deleted on Pinterest and Etsy, 10 competitors advertising campaign blocked on Google
LEARN MORE →150 000 fake NFTs detected and deleted, 20 Web3 brands receive IP protection on Rarible
LEARN MORE →50+ startups launched globally, 10+ exits on more than $100m
LEARN MORE →Millions infringing items deleted on eBay, enhanced brand protection system on global marketplaces
LEARN MORE →30 000 infringing resources were deleted in 2022, donations increased by more than 10% and scammers washed out from the Plarium community
LEARN MORE →200 hours saved in 2022, 15% workload decreased
LEARN MORE →1000 fake official dealers deleted out of Internet, 10000+ unauthorized sites and items takedowns
LEARN MORE →10+ startups protected, 150+ IP objects storing inside blockchain-based IP protection system
LEARN MORE →More than 50 pages and groups deleted on Facebook and Instagram, 100+ sites takedowns, new clients and partners achieved
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